

Be Your Best Self Everyday!

Our words are powerful! In 2011, I remember catching the last 15-20 minutes of @Oprah and my ears still ring with Oprah saying, “Do you see me?” Do you hear me?” She spoke about how all those she interviewed over the course of her daytime show looked to feel validated. I carry that with me as I work every day with youths in college and it is so important to me that they know I see and hear them. @Oprah recently spoke on a TV program, where she said she no longer asks the question of “What’s wrong with that person?” but instead, “What happened to that person?”

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and the fight against social injustice there are so many people who are saying and doing things to other people (adults & children), I can’t believe. I keep asking myself, “What happened to that person,” and how can we get them to pause and reflect and just try again to understand HUMANITY and find the root in their core of where and how their fear, hate, etc… formed within so they can hopefully reset.

We have to keep reading, educating, and communicating in hopes to help the future generations have better opportunities to live their lives peacefully and successfully. Lets’ go everybody! We know better and need to challenge ourselves to do better in all facets not just for the bubbles, squares, triangles, that we live in. There is so much beauty and greatness; that is being lost unnecessarily. I SEE YOU!

TRUST! That's It!

Pull out a clean sheet of paper. Using a ballpoint pen, press firmly at the center of the page to make a dot. That dot is roughly 1.0 mm. Do you know of anything else that is relatively close in size to the dot you just made? Think about it and I’ll circle back with an answer.

These past twelve days I grew concerned because parents had been asked to make a decision regarding return to school plans, and we didn’t like either of the options provided for our school district. Of course, the HOT topic! At different times during the day or week I wondered how my decision would impact our children. It wasn’t until yesterday, that I found peace and calm within. I watched a service online from #RenaissanceChurchNY and it dawned on me I wasn’t trusting in God. There has never been a time where He has not led the way. At some point after making our decision, I didn’t leave it in God’s hands that He will make it all work out as He always has. At that moment, my body seemed to exhale and I now felt that I can rest in being reminded to step out on faith.

Back to the question of what else is the size of the dot made with a ballpoint pen…answer: a mustard seed.

“Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” - Matthew 17:20

I found peace and I wanted to share should any of you also find yourselves concerned. I hope this helps bring a level of calm to your lives as well.


That’s my word for the week! I hope you all have a great one! Blessings!


Your Best Life!

There’s so much to be thankful for! How great is that? When you scroll through social media do you think about how awesome it is to see so many people living their best lives? There are many things that are far from perfect nationally and internationally but as the great Maya Angelou says, “And Still I Rise,” you continue to shine your light. I may not be able to reach everyone or see all the posts but I want to shout you all for the great things that you’re doing. As my parents always say, “keep up the great work! Be proud of who you are and don’t forget you are purposed.” ENJOY YOUR WEEK!!!

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” -Jeremiah 1:5

It's Time to Color!

Stimulate KIDS visual learning style! Make copies of coloring pages & create MASTERPIECES over again! Here’s one to get started from Little Tony’s Worldly Adventures. SHARE POST! BUY YOUR BOOK TODAY! Your children will have a blast!

Nadine Faustin-Parker
Press Forward

How did you feel this morning when you woke up? Were you happy or excited? How about focused on accomplishing a specific task? Did you have numerous stressors on your mind?

I woke up feeling motivated. I felt motivated to do the best with what I currently have and to continue working hard to create more purposed outcomes for myself and those around me.

This time period of managing life during the coronavirus pandemic has presented many challenges on different levels for many people. I do want to share, we all have received grace in the midst of sorrow in our past, present, and will continue to receive it in our future too. God has your back! When you feel your back is against the wall, think you’re leaning on His back as he’s there to keep you up and moving in His purpose for you. Step out in FAITH, heads up high, aim high, and live your best life! One love!

Nadine Faustin-Parker
Downtime-How do you spend yours?

While on the professional European Track & Field circuit I would travel with my portable DVD player (don’t laugh), @TylerPerry plays, comedy specials, and at least two-three books. Those were my “go to’s” to laugh and get away. With the COVID-19 pandemic and having to stay indoors more than I was accustomed to recently, it’s been great to read again and grow. What are things you had a chance to do again that you realized you missed since the pandemic? What are you reading now? What’s your favorite book? I am completing The Core by FCA and my favorite books are @MitchAlboms, “The Five People You Meet In Heaven” and the “Autobiography of Malcolm X.”

Can you guess what Little Tony loves to do? Any takers? That’s right...EVERYTHING! Just like all boys & girls. If you have little ones take 15-20 minutes to play tag or hide and seek and they will absolutely adore you.

Get your copy of Little Tony’s Worldly Adventures and spread the word. Cheers to another day by His grace! Remember you are loved and purposed!

Nadine Faustin-Parker
Let Go!

You’re watching TV & the Calm 15 seconds or 30 seconds commercials come on, do you just let go? How about when you hear a great spiritual song, do you just let go? I do and in those moments I say, “thank you.” Thank you for the day! Thank you for my health! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to get “IT” right! Thank you for loving me! THANK YOU!

Meditation and spiritual cleansing are important…on a daily basis. During these times I have recognized their value even more. Find the time to get yours done today so you can best serve your PURPOSE. We are a purposed species. Let’s not allow ourselves to be taken off track from fulfilling our purpose!

Have a wonderful day!

Nadine Faustin-Parker
Book Release Today!!!

How exciting this day has been. I’ve been overwhelmed with text messages, calls, and emails. It’s a great feeling. Little Tony, the main character in my book, “Little Tony’s Worldly Adventures,” has such a free spirit. His parents have opened his eyes by traveling with him abroad and he’s so happy to share.

I thank my parents for all the trips my siblings and I were able to tag along for. Traveling really enables one to keep an open mind and connect with people of diverse backgrounds. That’s what I hope to do for the young readers taking the journey with Little Tony on his worldly adventures. You know, you can travel to a family members home anywhere and your children will be happy! It’s about seeing new things and having new experiences.

Nadine Faustin-Parker
Go Ahead and Enjoy!

When writing the stories of Little Tony, I found myself back in a happy place as if I was right back in those countries enjoying the experiences all over again. I find it important to allow our minds to travel and get away from the regimented lifestyles that many of us have but also our children have. If you haven’t purchased your Little Tony’s Worldly Adventures book click here so you don’t miss out! Have a blessed & safe day!

Nadine Faustin-Parker
Calling All Readers!

What literary work have you read where you really resonated with a character? My favorite character is “Eddie” in Mitch Albom’s the Five People You Meet In Heaven. He learns so many lessons as all of us do. I love his lesson of reuniting with Captain. Eddie sustained a lifelong injury and a severe limp while at war with the Captain. Eddie ended up not pushing himself as he could have in life because of his physical ailment. He was continually stuck on what he didn’t have and constantly reliving his past. Captain stepped on a land mine and passed away. His passing saved the lives of Eddie and the others that were with them. Eddie learns the importance of sacrifice (both big & small) and that in every loss there is a gain. Life has it’s ups and downs. Our future, most of the time, depends on our attitude and choice to press forward. Keep praising God! It’s always by His grace.

Nadine Faustin-Parker